Noodle Journey Episode 165: Nongshim Noodle Salad with Miso Vinaigrette

Notes since filming:

Could this be my favorite cold noodles product of all time? Yes, yes it could.

Original video description

After the last cold noodle review I did was a rousing disappointment, I decided I needed at least one more for this hot summer. I happened upon Nongshim’s Noodle Salad with Miso Vinaigrette at my local Asian market just in time for this review. Check it out!



  • Noodles: 10/10
  • Spiciness: 0/10
  • Overall: 9/10

Noodle Journey Episode 164: Samyang Buldak Mala

Original video description:

Once upon a time, there was a much-loved Buldak flavor that Samyang mysteriously discontinued. Since then, month after month, people have asked, “Can I still find Buldak Mala anywhere?” The answer is: yes, you can. You might not know it, but it still exists. And here it is, in a very special review.

How to purchase:

Please see this Reddit thread:
Or email the seller directly at for more information.
I can personally vouch for this seller as a current source that can ship you Buldak Mala. While I don’t believe there is anything in Buldak Mala that could be flagged by local customs, please check your country’s import laws before agreeing to a purchase. Neither the seller nor I are responsible for any lost, damaged, or intercepted packages.



  • Noodles: 8/10
  • Spiciness: 8/10
  • Overall: 9.5/10

ZenPop’s Final Japanese Ramen Box (July, 2024): An Unboxing/Eulogy by Noodle Journey

Original video description:

Do you love instant noodles? Have you ever considered buying from an instant noodle subscription service? Do you want to see what ZenPop’s final ramen box contains? If you answered “yes” to any of those, check out this video! I’ll unbox ZenPop’s final Japanese Ramen Box from July, 2024 and talk about all the cool stuff you could get out of a noodle subscription box. If you (hopefully) like this video, I’ll be researching all the noodle subscription services out there to bring you more content like this!

Noodle Journey Episode 163: Samyang Vegetasty Noodle Soup

Notes since filming:

This is the one I recommend most when someone asks for vegan noodle options. As good as Nongshim Soon is, this blows it out of the water.

Original video description:

Time for something vegan! This is Samyang Vegetasty Noodle Soup, which has been around for a long time under other names, but I’ve only recently started seeing it available for purchase where I live. If you’re a fan of Nongshim Soon or you are just generally interested in vegan chili soups, this is a review you’re going to want to watch.

Links to purchase:



  • Noodles: 9/10
  • Spiciness: 4/10
  • Overall: 10/10

Noodle Journey Episode 162: Ottogi Kongguksu

Notes since filming:

I’ve seen some faint praise of this product since filming where people have said, “It’s so refreshing!” While that may be true, I just could not get into this. The flavor is minimal and bland, and I’m sure I could’ve figured out a way to make it taste better, but I had better things to do that day.

Original video description:

It’s summertime, and you know what that means: cold noodles! This time we’ve got something truly unique from Ottogi with their Kongguksu flavor. This is a cold soy broth intended to refresh you when it’s hot. Check out the review to see how it actually tastes.

Links to purchase:—-135g-x-4



  • Noodles: 7/10
  • Spiciness: 0/10
  • Overall: 2.5/10

Noodle Journey Episode 161: Nissin Cup Noodles Campfire S’mores Ramen

Notes since filming:

This is probably tied with immi’s Black Garlic “Chicken” as the worst thing I’ve reviewed on this channel. There’s a guy on Reddit who pops up every now and then to say how much he likes these, and I compulsively downvote him each time because he is very, very wrong. There’s absolutely nothing to like about this, and I will die on that hill.

Original video description:

You noodle lovers are not prepared for what Nissin has just added to its Cup Noodles line: Campfire S’mores Ramen. Will this be a surprisingly good flvaor or an unholy abomination? Watch the video for my (very) unfiltered review!

Link to purchase:


  • Noodles: 5/10
  • Spiciness: 0/10
  • Overall: 0/10