Original video description:
I’m back with another Indomie review! This time, I’ll be taking a look at their Hot & Spicy Mi Goreng. You might think that this tastes the same as the normal Mi Goreng pack but with added spice, but it’s a bit more complex than that. Check out the review for more info.
Link to purchase:
5-pack: https://www.yamibuy.com/en/p/indomie-migoreng-fied-noodles-hot-spicy-flavor-400g/1021036051
Single pack: https://www.yamibuy.com/en/p/indomie-mi-goreng-fried-noodles-pedas-hot-spicy-flavor-80g/1021004321
30-pack: https://www.amazon.com/Indomie-Goreng-Instant-Noodles-Certified/dp/B00HXIXW8O
- Noodles: 7/10
- Spiciness: 4/10
- Overall: 9/10