Original video description:
Time to get back to the spicy stuff to kick off 2023! This time we’re going back to the omnipresent Buldak product line from Samyang to try their Cheese variety. There are endless debates about whether or not cheese belongs in instant noodles, so check out this review to see if this flavor works or is a flop.
Links to purchase:
5-pack: https://www.yamibuy.com/en/p/samyang-stir-fried-noodle-hot-spicy-chicken-cheese-flavor-ramen-5-packs-700g
Bowl: https://www.yamibuy.com/en/p/samyang-stir-fried-noodle-hot-spicy-chicken-cheese-flavor-ramen-big-bowl-105g
Check all sellers on Amazon and don’t overpay. Also check your local Asian grocery store!
- Noodles: 8/10
- Spiciness: 7.5/10
- Overall: 8.5/10