Noodle Journey Episode 16: Samyang Buldak Hot Chicken

Notes since filming: One of my few regrets on this channel was not reviewing this one in episode 5 instead of the Carbonara flavor. As weird as it might sound, I think trying this base flavor of Buldak first would’ve given me a better context for trying Carbonara, seeing as I was surprised about the smoky curry flavors that are present in a lot of Buldak sauce packets. I liked this one and I acknowledge its important role in noodle history, but I haven’t purchased it since this review because I love some of the other flavors more.

Original video description:

Getting into the super spicy side of things, here’s the original Samyang Buldak Hot Chicken flavor! No spice challenges here, just an honest review of a super spicy product.

To make my editing process much simpler (and hopefully churn out videos faster in the future), I’ve switched to using a lapel microphone to record a live voiceover as of this video rather than my old method of dubbing myself. Any thoughts on the end result?

Links to purchase Samyang Buldak Hot Chicken:

Single or 5-Pack:


Big Bowl:

Cokoyam Korean Ramen Jumbo Combo:


  • Noodles: 8/10
  • Spiciness: 8/10
  • Overall: 8/10

Noodle Journey Episode 15: Prima Taste Singapore Curry LaMian

Notes since filming: My first perfect score! Yeah, I know that long diatribe in the video about being a supertaster was probably boring to 98% of you. For the 2% that did stick around and listen to the whole thing, thank you. I credit this flavor with getting me to love curry 24/7, because I was still a little iffy on it before this review. This one is still a regular favorite in my household.

Fun sidenote – I had a commenter (since deleted) at one point tell me that they acknowledged that supertasters were real but that I sounded like an pretentious asshole by bringing it up. Quite a flex.

Original video description: Today’s review is a popular product from Singapore with some eye-catching packaging and some hefty noodles. This is Prima Taste’s Singapore Curry Lamian. Could this be the perfect bowl of noodles? Watch and find out!

Links to purchase:

Amazon prices will vary by seller, so order at your discretion. Also check your local Asian grocery store!


  • Noodles: 10/10
  • Spiciness: 4.5/10
  • Overall: 10/10

Noodle Journey Episode 14: Nissin Demae Black Garlic Oil Tonkotsu

Notes since filming: More than two years after filming, and I still think this is the best bang for the buck as far as instant tonkotsu goes. I have no idea why Nissin Raoh’s artificial pork flavor sets off my tastebuds so badly while this one doesn’t, but I still happily buy this one regularly.

Original video description:

Today’s review focuses on a different Nissin tonkotsu product after the disappointing flavor of Nissin’s Raoh tonkotsu. This variety was the very first instant tonkotsu I ever tried back at the beginning of the pandemic, and I was curious to see how it held up. This is Nissin’s Demae with Black Garlic Oil Tonkotsu Ramen!

Links to purchase: (individual pack) (5-pack) (individual cup version; contains fish!)

Amazon prices will vary by seller, so order at your discretion. Also check your local Asian grocery store!


  • Noodles: 6.5/10
  • Spiciness: 1/10 (due to garlic)
  • Overall: 7/10