Original video description:
The Samyang Carbo noodles are currently a Noodle Journey favorite, so let’s see how good their original orange-packaged Ramen soup is. Contains a bonus rant about MSG free of charge!
This came in my jumbo combo pack from Cokoyam, but is available to purchase everywhere. Links to purchase:
https://smile.amazon.com/Samyang-Ramen-Korean-Noodle-Soup/dp/B006H08J2I/ref=sr_1_3?crid=185ROCC2LTAN2&keywords=samyang+ramen&qid=1651861784&sprefix=samyang+ramenaps89&sr=8-3 (Always be careful with third party Amazon sellers!)
Link to Cokoyam Korean Ramen Jumbo Combo: https://www.cokoyam.com/collections/sale/products/cokoyam-amazing-k-ramen-jumbo-sets-over-50-ramens?variant=31324060614756
- Noodles: 7/10
- Spiciness: 5/10
- Overall: 7.5/10